
October 07, 2010

Thank Goodness for the Dessert Stomach

Sunday night we had dinner reservations with our friends Greg and Heidi. We had a very generous gift certificate to a local steakhouse given to us and we wanted to share it with our friends. Since Mom was visiting, we snuck out while Abby went to bed to enjoy dinner. I've always said that no matter how full I am, there is always room for dessert. The dessert stomach is completely seperate from the entree stomach. I needed it Sunday night! Our dinner included dessert for each person and we all ordered something different to share.
The best cheesecake- it was really smooth, creamy and had a good strong cream cheese flavoring.

Marcus' favorite was the walnut turtle pie. It was warm and rich and extra gooey. He loved it!

Frozen Lemon Gingersnap Pie- it was a good clean dessert. Not too rich at all.
Can you see the inside of this yummy dessert? I always love Molten Chocolate Lava Cake. It came with ice cream and a pistachio waffle cone. This one was my favorite. Wow!
We had a wonderful night filled with good food and great friends. Heidi and Greg inspired us both to read more and be better and we love them for that!


  1. Looks fun and makes me hungry...yum!

  2. those look delish! the frozen lemon gingersnap one made my mouth water ;P

  3. We had a great time too! And you inspire me evey time I read your blog with your cooking, decorating and amazing party planning skills! Thanks for a wonderful night!
