
November 03, 2010

My Superheroes

Marcus has always been a comic book fan and even though we have a little girl, he wants to make sure she knows her super heroes. Abby has a couple different shirts chosen by Marcus and this weekend she was able to wear her Marvel shirt... with a big bow and cute red shoes to keep her girly! By the end of the day she could identify and say each of the characters on her shirt- Hulk, Spiderman, Ironman and America (for Captain America).
They were super heroes for Barnes and Noble story time. Marcus was there to juggle for their special Halloween edition of story time and Abby was there to be a royal toot. She did not behave well and we spent part of story time at the cafe inside the store where she was learning to calm down. :) I'm sure story time will be much more successful in a few years. She was dying to play with the stuffed Elmo inside the store and I didn't realize Marcus (who typically takes her to story time) allows it. I thought it was gross for her to love on a toy like that, but didn't realize she had before. She also didn't like her Daddy on stage and her being forced off stage. Fun!
I busted out an early Christmas present- Marvel silly bandz. It seemed like the right time to share them with her. She has noticed my bracelets and my Mom's for the past few months and I wanted her to have a non-breakable option. They looked so cute on her!
It is fun having a girl that can do some typical "boy" things like comic books. I know my Dad always loved sharing football with me and I hope Abby and her Dad can bond over these things for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. Every girl needs to know her superheroes! Although Daddy needs to introduce to the female contingency...Super Girl, Jean Grey, Rogue, Storm, Wonder Woman (who is getting quite the reboot this year!) etc. She looks so adorable in that short with the bow! And I feel for you on the Daddy lets me vs Mommy lets me thing...there are so many things we do differently as parents that cause endless frustration for the other. It'll get easier when her vocabulary expands times ten!
