
November 08, 2010

Weekend without Momma

I spent the weekend in Dallas for work and my Mom was busy, so Marcus was a hard working single parent for 4 days. He was smart and filled the days with playdates and activities to keep Abby busy and help her take long naps!

Friday night included dinner with Madeline at Chick-fil-a. Saturday morning, Marcus and Abby celebrated Bella's 4th birthday party. Landry, Bella's sister, is such a little Mom. She is so sweet with Abby Lu.
Speaking of sweets, Marcus used a cupcake to give Abby the sugar high needed to make it home for nap time. Genius!
Happy Birthday Bella! We love you!

After naptime on Saturday, Miss Addison came over to play outside with Abby. I hear Abby was fine sharing her chalk and her dinner, but not her swing! ha!

Luckily I was back home Sunday afternoon. Abby learned the word "neat" and "miss" while I was gone. If I tell her I missed her, she'll tell me "I miss Momma". So sweet.

I don't travel for work again until March. Praise the Lord!

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