
November 19, 2010

Wolverine and Beast

If you know Marcus, you know he is fond of comic books, cartoons, and X-Men. He shared a few of his X-Men with Abby recently. She calls them "mean men" and makes her meanest sounds when she sees them. I am certain eventually Marcus will teach her who are the nice guys, who are bad guys, and who fights with who. For now, they are all mean men and Marcus couldn't be happier.
I distinctly remember riding in our Ford Escape before Abby and Kyleigh having a bag full of X-Men to play with on our ride. She would ask Marcus about each person- are they a good guy or a bad guy? It is one of those moments that you share with another child and hope and pray that you'll share with your own. I am certain that was one of those moments for Marcus.
Look for more Wolverine and Beast play from Abby soon, if Marcus has anything to do with it.


  1. love it. It dawned on Ben last night that he will have someone to play Gi Joe with. He LOVED the Barf Vader shirt, and asked if Read could wear it home from the hospital.

  2. X-men, Star Wars, G.I. Joe, much for a girl to learn!

  3. Such a good daddy...melding of the worlds...Yo Gabba gabba -Foofa I think it is and Xmen what a world, living peacefully side by side in the same pink polkadot world :) LUB it, otherMIMI
