
December 14, 2010

Cedar Park Tree

Last week when I was in Lubbock, Marcus, my Mom and Abby tried to see the lighting of the Cedar Park tree. Bad timing, horrible parking and a late night led them home quickly. So, we went this weekend to see it without the crowds.

Not the typical Christmas tree, but still just beautiful!
Abby loves lights! She liked running around under the tree, until a teenager stepped out and collided with Abby. He felt awful and she was all dramatic.
We couldn't get her to recover, so we drove around a few nearby neighborhoods and looked at lights. It is really a treat seeing Christmas through a child's eyes. Between taking baby Jesus all over the house, learning Ho Ho Ho and placing Santa in the right spot on our calendar each morning, we are having a blast!
We are planning Christmas with our families on the 25th and 28th and Abby's first Christmas Eve service this year with our Moms. I'm also excited to have a Happy Birthday Jesus cake on Christmas Day. Coming right before her birthday, I'm hoping it'll really make an impact and we'll be able to teach her more about Jesus' birth this year.


  1. It is beautiful!

    And, Christmas through a childs eyes is the most wonderful Christmas experience. I love, love, love it!!! I am glad you're family is enjoying it too.

    I like the idea of a birthday cake for Jesus. That's a great idea!

  2. Oh, I know what you mean! The holidays are s much more meaningful and exciting now that I see them through Billa's eyes! If you haven't already, check out the veggie tales Christmas movie...we really liked the way it tied Jesus' gift to us and Santa Claus (St. Nick) together.
