
January 03, 2011

Hi Ho Hi Ho...

... it is back to work we go!

Both Marcus and I have been off the past week and I was off most of the week before. Besides one overnight trip to San Antonio, we have been home for the past 2 weeks and let me say, I wouldn't make a very good SAHM. I love love love Abby, but I also am ready to leave the house, dress up, talk to adults, and quietly sit at my computer. I can't watch another episode of Gabba. I can't argue over changing diapers, taking a bath, or getting down from the bed again. I am also quite certain my really social child doesn't want to play "shopping" with me, draw on her little notepad, or swing on the one swing our backyard can offer. We are all just over family time!
I have a lot of respect for Moms that can stay home 5 days a week alone with their children. There are days when I absolutely hate going to work and leaving Abby at school, but God also gave me these two weeks to help me see how I am made and that my time away from Abby enhances my time with Abby. I am thankful for these past 2 weeks and that I have a wonderful job to go back to this morning.


  1. No doubt... two years old is a hard age - no matter if you are a SAHM or work from home mom. Glad you had a nice time off!

  2. Oh man, I laughed so hard after reading this because I thought I was probably the only mommy out there that felt that way too! Maybe it will be easier when the kiddos are older and the terribleness of two and three are long gone :o)
