
March 29, 2011

Its a birthday in the Jenks house!

Today is Anna's birthday!

We started the day off by trying to explain to Abby that this is Mommy's birthday. The closest we got is that she understands now that today is Mommy and Abby's birthday. Close enough. Maybe I didn't help things out by getting presents for Abby to open too...

Today is a nice moderate celebration.....birthday lunch, evening at home, dinner, and....thanks to my little spy, mommy knows there is a cake treat tonight. (mental note, go pick up cake on the way home tonight).

I have a truly awesome wife that is just the complete package.....she can be a mommy, business woman, football fan, craft aficionado, decorator, Church kids care coordinator, and more!

She gets better, smarter, cooler as we have the years go by. This year should be awesome!

I'm so lucky that we have this time together, and that she and I get begin to get ready to enter our 30s together in the next few years.

Love you!


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