
March 25, 2011

Nose Spray

Every new Mom is recommended or purchased at showers "Little Noses". It is saline spray and recommended by pediatricians when you child is congested. You put the small bottle just inside the nostril and squeeze. It then sprays saline up their nasal cavity which helps to open up their nose. You can imagine, most kids hate nose spray. You have to hold them down.

Abby on the other hand (due to some comedy from her father) loves nose spray and asks to be all done with bath to get her nose spray. I caught the hilarity on video the other night. I plan to watch this video anytime I am having a bad day- it just makes me smile!


  1. could anyone watch that and not laugh?

  2. i just died laughing! i love how they both laugh so hard and then stop so suddenly and put on a serious face. she is too cute!
