
March 21, 2011

Weekend with Mimi

Abby's Mimi (Marcus' Mom) came to visit this weekend. After Abby's nap on Saturday, we went to Chick-fil-A to play and have ice cream.
Abby is really starting to master eating with a spoon. She did so much better with the dip, scoop and balance this time around. A small cup of ice cream at CFA, is a small drinking cup filled with ice cream. It is a LOT!
We spent a good 30 minutes inside the playground and had the place to ourselves. It is a Chick-fil-A miracle. We were there about 4 PM on a Saturday and we'll be back! Since no one was around, we took a couple of balls from Abby's bag and would roll them up the slide and watch them roll back down. Very entertaining!
Thanks for visiting us Mimi! See you later!

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