
April 20, 2011

Charleston trip - the addendum

On Thursday of our trip, Anna had to run her program, while I had the day to myself. I decided to rent a bike from a bike shop, point the bike in a direction, and go.
I picked up my sweet ride (I splurged for the the extra $1 an hour for the hybrid, and not the cruiser. Cruisers don't handle curbs and cross country so well.
I grabbed a bite of lunch at the Mellow Mushroom pizza place, and headed out to Church street. I quickly learned why they call it Church Street....

The ride got better and better....
I got to see the coastal area...
Cobblestone streets...(again, very glad for the hybrid and padded seat)

a small park dedicated to Andrew Jackson's mother (also where PGT Beauregard is buried)
more churches.....
It was the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, which started right there at Fort Sumner...looks like the South was ready to rise again..

About 90 mins in, I found a small little local deli/grocery store. I had a gatorade and moonpie, and started out again.

I can tell you I made terrible time on the bike...mainly because I kept stopping every half block to take a picture..the houses were awesome....most were 100-300 years old!

I was able to get back, turn in my bike and have my day out and about end with some time at the hotel pool.


1 comment:

  1. great way to see the area, what a blast! glad ya'll missed the bad weather....
