
April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday

I was SO excited for Easter to come this year! I hunted high and low for a dress for Abby and have just been dying to get her in it! Finally, the day had come!
We had a wonderful Easter with church, lunch with a big group from church, late naps, and a nice dinner at home. Our day started off terrible- Satan definitely wanted us to stay home Sunday morning. We were running late, had 4 meltdowns, and Abby got a splinter in her finger from our kitchen cabinets (what!) as we were leaving. I'm so glad we endured the morning because church was moving! The music team took one of my favorite songs and did it totally different, yet still amazing!
I was also excited for Abby to get an Easter basket! She is getting to the age where surprises are exciting and she has things she really likes which makes it easier to buy and better for her to receive. Her basket was filled with: pink bunny made of a chenille bedspread we bought in Charleston, play-doh eggs, her first slinky, bug magnifying glass, small bunny to throw with velcro paddles, Minnie Mouse DVD, new p*nties, and a few pieces of candy.
I hope everyone else had a wonderful Easter celebrating our risen King!


  1. I am so glad ya'll had a wonderful Easter. Abby looks so beautiful in her dress! It's a sweet picture of you two!

  2. LOVE those pics with you and Marcus! those are framable :-)
