
April 15, 2011

South Carolina is Sweet

On Wednesday after breakfast we ventured into South Carolina for the second part of our trip. The part where I work and Marcus enjoys the city!

We are staying at the Charleston Marriott and I love their furnishings. The turquoise chair is to die for! And, the paisley carpet, mirrored walls, and funky couches are such a fresh change from standard hotels. We also stopped at the Carolina Cider Company. Loved the peach cider! We bought Marcus a jar of bread and butter pickles.
Charleston is so green right now! It is more urban than Savannah, but has just as much charm. The alleys are full of greenery, brick paths and secret gardens. It has a New Orleans feel.
We went into an old timey candy store- they had the biggest selection of Moon Pies, including double deckers. I bought a t-shirt! Anyone want an onion ring flavored mint?
The buildings in the downtown and historic district had so many stories to tell. The top right is the Daughters of the American Revolution. The bottom right "house" is a doctor's office.
We also toured The Citadel, South Carolina's military college. Every single building was white and castle-like. The campus was covered in students in uniform. The entire campus seems to center around a large green area that has historic military equipment (tanks, helicopters, missiles, etc.) along the outside.
In the middle, check out the home with the beautiful yard. I believe it is a faculty member/officers home. There were 20 or so of these with the name of the resident outside the front.

Tomorrow, we plan to visit a few plantations before we fly home to our potty trained princess!

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