
May 28, 2011

Celebrating Mr. Jenk

Since Friday was Marcus' birthday and the day before a holiday weekend, we both took the day off to hang out. Don't tell Abby- she was at school and thinks we went to work! We won't be able to do that much longer ;)

We went to Starbuck's together and then off to Best Buy for Marcus' birthday present- outdoor speakers! Our house is pre-wired for sound outdoor and we bought the receiver and speakers for his birthday. Our backyard is becoming all that we wanted it to be 3 years ago when we bought our house!
After Best Buy, we stopped into Old Navy. Marcus' shorts are always falling down, so I told him we needed to pick him up a couple of pairs of new shorts- I was tired of him complaining and they literally were becoming capris they hung so low. (see above!)

It was a glorious realization how well this diet works- Marcus walked into Old Navy wearing a 38. All of the 36" shorts were still too big- he walked out with 2 size 34 and a pair of size 33. I FINALLY got him in plaid shorts. I have been working on that for years! Doesn't he look so much better?

We walked around a few stores in the Domain and had lunch at Kona Grill- birthday boy wanted to splurge on sushi! We then visited Tiff's Treats for warm cookies to sneak into the movie :) A BIG diet splurge! They were the substitute for birthday cake since it was one serving and you are done! We saw Hangover 2- funny, but not as good as the first one. You knew more about what to expect this time around.

We picked Abby up from school and little early and had dinner at Chili's where we ran into our friends including Abby's favorite, Mary! One day we will learn, taking her out to dinner during the week isn't worth it! She was a mess, but after a conversation with Daddy outside in the car, she improved.

Happy Birthday Mr. Jenk! We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Caroline and MadelineMay 31, 2011 at 1:13 PM

    Mr. Marcus looks THRILLED in his plaid pants :)
    You BOTH look great!
