
May 09, 2011

Weight Loss Fiesta

I had to throw in some pictures of my cutie from Cinco de Mayo. I love her little Carter's dress- it was perfect for Cinco de Mayo, but can also be worn other times and places.
We just completed week 2 of the HCG diet and I have lost 12 pounds and Marcus has lost a little over 9 pounds. We have both lost 2 inches in our waistline!

We struggled a little this week- we both seemed to be hungrier, got a little bored with our food choices that were so exciting last week, and had a few meetings that involved eating out . I gained 1 pound randomly during the middle of the week and it took 3 or 4 days to lose it back. A little frustrating, but I've lost 3 days in a row since then.
We had Mother's Day lunch on Saturday (in Waco after the zoo, pics to come!) and cheated in moderation. We ate at Ninfa's Mexican Restaurant and shared 1/2 pound of fajitas. We had them refrain from bringing chips to the table, each ate one glorious tortilla with meat and grilled onions and we each ate charro beans instead of refried or rice. It didn't seem to impact our loss which is reassuring.

We plan to have a great week- we looked up new recipes, bought some new fruits and veggies this weekend and are super motivated by our results. I've been told you can see it in my face and profile. Marcus is wearing his "skinny" pants already and we've both adjusted our belts one notch. I also bought a dress that almost fits- it is 2 sizes smaller than I normally wear in that brand. I can't wait to wear it this summer!

Stay tuned- Marcus should move under 200 pounds this week and I will likely be the thinnest I've been in 4 years!


  1. So proud of you, that is amazing! You are doing so good, keep up the good work!

  2. That is exciting!! Glad it is going so well!

  3. Way to Go!! and I like the new blog design :) very cute!

  4. SO SO SO proud and excited for you!
