
June 02, 2011

Dinner Date

Marcus had a business dinner one night last week so I met up with my friend Natalie (whose husband was out of town on business) and her 3 kids. Two adults and 4 kids- we had a fun evening! ha!

After dinner at Chick-fil-A including at least one ice cream cone on the ground and one clingy child who wanted to sit in her Mom's lap in the play area (yea, that would be mine!), we all ran into Target. Abby and I needed a few things and were happy to have friends with us.

We bought the kids some sour squirt fruit snacks hoping to get silly faces from them, but they just ate them and asked for more.
Blythe thought they were a little sour!
And then, we had the most fun trying to teach Abby how to drink from a water fountain- hilarious! Michael had it mastered- he is 3 months older than Abby. I guess having older siblings helps in cases like this.
Abby wanted to play in the water, wash her hands in it, get her face wet and then finally started trying to lick the water! Natalie was teaching her to slurp and she'd slurp and bob her head 6 inches from the water. We were laughing so hard at her!
It sure was fun to see friends during the week and have a dinner date!


  1. we had a blast! I declare we have more dinner dates! Mitch is in class every mon and thurs. nights!!!!!

  2. Billa always wants to play in the water fountain too...I always chalked it up to her being a pisces, lol. Guess it's just normal for that age!
