
June 26, 2011

Weekend with Mimi and Nana

Abby has been looking forward to this past weekend since she was going to see her Mimi and Nana. When we told her they were coming she said, "I tell Mimi thank you for my stroller" and "I tell Nana thank you for my ba-bas". She puts her baby dolls and their fabric scrap blankets my Mom made her in the stroller Carol bought her for Christmas daily. It was so cute that was the message she had for them!

We went to dinner on Saturday night at California Pizza Kitchen. We went early to avoid the crowds and ended up eating way too much! It was all so good including the $1 kids sundaes! Isn't that an insane sized dessert for $1!
We came back home and went on the back patio so that Kyleigh and Abby could play and ended up having a redneck water party :)
Abby liked giving Mimi and Nana some grass-covered wet hugs! We almost bathed her with the water hose Saturday night, but since we had church the next morning gave her a real bath indoors ;)
Thanks for coming to visit Mimi and Nana! Abby obviously loves seeing you!

1 comment:

  1. love the redneck swim party! so cute! & love the new blog change :) you always have the cutest layouts! looking forward to the newest desktop!
