
July 13, 2011

... And We're Back!

Saturday night after the aquarium and swimming we went to a local restaurant in CC called Brewster Street. It was recommended by our friend Cliff and Diane. It had a variety of food, a big playground in the back, and was near our hotel. Abby was tired after another day without a nap, so we hid the playground from her! She didn't eat much and we let her watch Mickey Mouse videos on the phone while we ate.
This wasn't exactly a low carb weekend :)
We were back at the hotel by 8 PM and put Abby to bed early! We rose Sunday morning about 7:00 and were done in the restaurant for breakfast before 8. Abby was so excited to have Fruit Loops that she had discovered the previous day. She ate fruit, cereal and milk for breakfast.
We left the hotel before 9 and started home! We ended up stopping in San Marcos for lunch at Centerpoint Station- yummy! Their grilled cheese sandwiches are huge and on sweet homemade bread. Divine! While waiting on our food, I did a little shopping. I didn't end up buying this sign, but I do love it! I want to use that phrase in some other way- it is just beautiful!
After lunch we had a bad parenting moment...

Abby hasn't had an accident in weeks, but we put her in pull ups for the car ride. We still stopped and had her potty, but I didn't want a wet car seat or stinky car for the trip if she were to have an accident. When we got to lunch she went potty, but we didn't think about having her go after lunch before we left. We had been on the food for 5 minutes when she said she had to potty. Marcus and I were tired and ready to be home. We questioned her certain she didn't need to go already and just wanted out of the car. She insisted so we told her to just go in her pull up- it was okay. She kept saying no, telling us she had to go and started crying. We felt awful so we pulled into the next gas station and she went!

Because of that incident I felt pretty sure she is set that we don't pee pee unless we are on a potty. So, on Wednesday night, we slept without a diaper for the first time. She had a small accident early Thursday morning and didn't even wake us up! Last night, she slept without a diaper again and this morning she woke up dry! I think someone is about to get her fish for her room! Exciting!

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