
July 02, 2011

Chuck E Cheese

We attended this sweet girls 5th birthday party today! It is a classic case of "where did the time go?" We held it when she was just a few hours old and now she is 5! Wow! We love you Mackenzie and loved sharing in your birthday fun today!
Abby hadn't met Mr. Cheese before and we were a little nervous. She is scared of the most random things (leaf blowers!), but had no fear at all with the big mouse. She wanted to see him, follow him around the building, and even got closer to the animatronic version of him than the bigger girls!
The first ride (a simulated roller coaster) freaked her out! She was a little gun shy with rides at that point, but did sit with the mouse on a baby ride and went up and down the slide numerous times!
After the party, we came home and while Abby took a nap, I baked 2 dozen cookies for our church workers tomorrow and 2 cakes to make cake balls for the 4th of July party tomorrow night. When Abby woke up, we were off to the pool and then grilled out for dinner. It has been an awesome start to a fun filled weekend!

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