
July 04, 2011

Fourth with Friends

We had a full weekend with parties everyday and I loved it! I didn't do a good job with my camera on Sunday, so I made sure to capture our Monday fun!

Our friends The Richards and The Gumpls came over to swim! Kristi and I are cousins. Natalie and I go to church together. Kristi and Natalie used to teach together. Our kids all play really well together making it stress free fun for the parents!
Abby was excited to have her friends come play, but wasn't as excited to share her toys with them :) We had lots of life lessons on sharing! We put out numerous water toys in the backyard, grilled hot dogs, enjoyed fresh fruit and Doritos, and the kids had popsicles for dessert.

We had 6 kids in the pools, all age 6 and under and then sweet baby Read hanging out with the adults.
After lunch, we drove to the neighborhood pool to really swim and cool off! Man, it was hot on Monday. Moving 7 kids takes a lot of work! Marcus and I both laughed we like our 2 adults to 1 child odds!
I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. I have to admit that it felt a little odd without fireworks!

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