
August 27, 2011

First of Many Playdates

We spent Tuesday and Thursday afternoon with our little friend Kiersten (one year older than Abby) and Kaylinn (just turned 2). Their Mom, Tabriah, is a childhood friend of mine and my freshman college roommate. They recently built a new home about 10 minutes away and we discovered this week that our girls play well together.
We played at their house on Tuesday and in the back yard where we made an impromptu waterpark with all of their fun toys.
Thursday, we played at the neighborhood pool. Both times, Abby throw a big fit when it was time to leave.

Thanks girls for having us over- we'll host and share all our toys (hopefully as well as you did) real soon!

1 comment:

  1. They had a great time with Abby and are looking forward to playing with her more. :)
