
August 30, 2011

Oh Happy Day

I had step 2 of my root canal at 8 AM this morning. While I was there, Marcus and Abby played at McDonald's and bought me flowers. I was a little freaked out- we don't have spare money for flowers until I saw that he got them 1/2 off. I love my $7.50 flowers even more!
We ran to Hobby Lobby before lunch to get a baby shower gift and then had lunch with our friends Joey and Owen. I used to work with their Mom Judy and our kids had never met. Abby wasn't nervous around new friends and was super talkative. But, she was scared to death of the CFA playground? She doesn't like big groups of fast kids on playgrounds. I'm sure she'll grow out of it, but currently it seems to really frighten her. Judy offered the kids a Starburst if they'd take a photo and Abby talked about that piece of candy all afternoon!
A couple of months ago, I bought the Mom Agenda that I had seen online and recommended by bloggers. I'll be honest- I hate it. The columns are too narrow and there are too many sections that don't make sense for me. PLus, it isn't spiral bound and starts the week with Monday. Overall, I hated it and the thought of using it for 15 more months.
Today, my new Erin Condren planner arrived and I am overjoyed with planning excitement. I ordered it 3 weeks ago- she became very popular really quickly with a groupon type deal and several bloggers expressing their love for her. I totally see why! Mine arrived today and I just love it!
It is sprial bound, really colorful, personalized and she included a cute little round paperclip for the current week. The color pattern is beautiful and so much fun!

Erin also included sweet goodies- gift tags and shipping labels with our name on them! Plus, she sent me $25 off, $10 off and 2 10% off coupons.
If you are shopping for a planner, check this one out!

I was so glad Abby took a long nap so that I could get my new planner all filled out. I'm a dork, I know. Marcus told me. ;)

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