
October 14, 2011

Abby Lu's First Pedicure

I was in desperate need of a pedicure. My favorite inexpensive local place has new kid-sized pedicure chairs. My friend Johnna had just mentioned how inexpensive and exciting a pedicure was for her little girl. All together, I decided Abby would get her first real pedicure today. Can you tell how special she felt? I can not express how much I love this kid!
She sat really still for a 2.5 year old and let them trim, file and paint her 10 little piggies. They even added a cute flower on her big toes. All for $6!
She told me afterward, "this is the best time ever." I couldn't agree more!

1 comment:

  1. So now I need to know where this place is?!? I'm thinking my Katelyn will LOVE it too!!!
