
October 07, 2011

Austin Zoo

Last Friday morning Abby and I met our friends Tabriah, Kiersten and Kaylinn at the Austin Zoo. We planned this day weeks ago and it turned out to be perfect weather!
The girls do so well together- we really love seeing them. Kiersten one year and a few days older than Abby and I love seeing what is next! Kaylinn is 7 months younger than Abby so they also play well together. The girls ran around the zoo, shared snacks with each other, and wanted sunglasses to be like each other. Girlfriends for sure!
The zoo is small and easily managed in a few hours. It is not fancy at all and relies heavily on the support of donors. Many of the animals have even been rescued. The pig was by far the largest I have ever seen- his ears were larger than my hands. He just grunted at us- I can't imagine what is costs to feed him each month.
For $1 they sell a sack of feed that you can give to the hoofed animals- llamas, goats, deer, etc. It was the most fun to watch the girls just giggle at the animals licking their hands. Abby came home with a shirt covered in llama slobber. Try saying that more than once!
We are officially zoo people! We have visited Waco (2 times), San Antonio, Fort Worth and now Austin. We plan to visit Abilene Zoo next month and heard Houston has a great zoo! To date, Waco is our favorite!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness. those first two pictures are just the cutest!!
