
October 11, 2011


Time for another random blog brain dump....
  • Abby loves her new school. She goes on Tuesday and Thursday and has started talking about her friends in school by name. She also loves her teacher, asks to pray for her, and talks about her on her non-school days. When I ask her what she learned at school on the car ride home, she most often tells me, "Jesus" or "bible". Next week we are getting a CD with her Christmas program songs on it to start practicing. I love it!
  • We read Bible stories at night and really get to see how smart Abby is. She knows numerous Bible stories. I am honestly learning them with her and love the time together.
  • Dance is not going so well. I don't know what it is- she talks about it all week and tells us what she learned, but doesn't want to go on Wednesday mornings, refuses to participate in class, and lays on the ground half the time. I spoke to her teacher and they don't want to move her down to the 2 year old class because we know she can do it, she just doesn't want to do it. Marcus is going to watch this week and see what he thinks.... she isn't shy, she isn't sad, she just makes faces in the mirror or mimics the teacher most of the time.
  • We took Christmas pictures Saturday morning since I had a Groupon about to expire and I love them all. Abby didn't want to play until we gave her a lollipop to hold and hide from the camera. Worked like a charm!
  • God's love for me is illustrated through the snugglebug he gave me. Abby and I snuggle for more than an hour a day. She will just ask if we can "snuddle". She likes the bed or the couch- it makes me so very happy. I'll be sad when she outgrows it.
  • I've read lots of Moms complain about their kids having opinions about their clothes recently. I still have complete closet control. I don't take it for granted.
  • Bedtime is getting a little better- we don't cry much, but do sneak out for books and toys. Every morning when she awakes, she walks into our bedroom and tells us, "Good Morning. I took a GOOOOOD nap." Cuteness!
  • Finally, we must be doing a great job with confidence. Abby walked up to the mirror in Target this weekend, looked at herself and said, "how beautiful". Love her!

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