
October 17, 2011

Sneak Peek

We took our Christmas pictures last weekend and they are so stinking cute that I couldn't help myself, I posted them to Facebook the moment we got home!
Here are two of my favorites, minus my very favorite which will appear on our Christmas cards. We took them so early because we had a Group On, but it takes one less thing off my Christmas to do list. And, since I design our cards each year, my cards are done. Well, minus printing, stuffing, and addressing them.
Abby started off timid with the photographer, but then we gave her a lollipop and she had to hide it from Ashley (the photographer). It helped bring out some of her best looks. It was between her legs, under my hands, and even inside her hat!


  1. Love, love those pics. You guys have never looked better or happier. It's fun to know that Abby has a secret in the photos. I can see it in her face.

  2. That comment was from Mimi, who forgot to put her name...
