
November 03, 2011

Gender Reveal Party

I love how God brings things together in the most detailed of ways. For example, this is my friend Natalie. Her daughter Blythe has shared lots of clothes with Abby Lu since she is a few years older. We have passed those clothes down to our friend Ellie who is sharing them with Lily, born this summer.
Last week we attended a gender reveal party for Natalie's surprise 4th child and wouldn't you know, she is having a girl and her baby will be able to wear those same clothes that Natalie so generously shared years ago!
We also have held back a few tubs of our very favorite clothes just in case we had a surprise baby and have often donated them. Natalie's little girl will receive those clothes- we know God wanted us to hold them for her.

As Abby would say, "God loves a cheerful giver."

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