
November 09, 2011

Growing Up

Why didn't anyone tell me this would all happen so fast? ;) This little girl is my favorite person in all the world, but she isn't my baby anymore.
I spent this afternoon going through the baby clothes that I held back in case another miracle arrived. We are taking a few to the resale shop and giving most of them to our friend Natalie. It was hard to imagine how little she was. I kept a few significant pieces of clothing- her first day at daycare, our 6 month photo shoot, her dress for her cousin's wedding, her birth announcement shirt, her Thanksgiving dress. They were all fun to see. I won't even tell you how many shoes that little girl had!
We are taking a few things to the resale shop in hopes to pay for two new big girl things coming... her twin bed and booster seat! We took a road trip this weekend and realized Abby is getting too long for her car seat. She is well over the weight requirement for a booster seat which comes next. We are going to check in with her pediatrician and make sure we are ready for the next step.
While traveling this weekend, we came across an antique shop in little Santa Ana, Texas. They had a vintage metal bed on the side of the road in a twin size. I've always wanted a metal antique bed for Abby and couldn't ever find a twin at a reasonable price. We found it this weekend. With a little sanding and painting, it'll be perfect! We have all of her bedding from her birthday last year when I thought she was ready, so now we only need a mattress. Amazed at how expensive a twin mattress is!

1 comment:

  1. As long as she needs you, she will be your baby and that will be for a long time.
