
November 13, 2011

Our Visit to The Abilene Zoo

While we were in Abilene last weekend, we visited the zoo. Marcus took me to this zoo when we were dating and I was excited to take Abby. It is the 4th zoo we have visited in 10 months. I think we are zoo people :)
It was a little chilly when we first got there, but the wind died down and the sun shined brightly just after our arrival. It was the perfect afternoon to be outdoors!
This is a classic family photo that we'll recall years from now. It looks old with all the browns! Abby looks like such a diva in her pink and her sunglasses! We visited the zoo with our cousins and friends, Kailin, Gavin, Mikey, and Brandon.
Mimi along with a few other family members joined the kids for the zootime fun! This is inside the bird area which was stinky! Rest assured, we may be zoo people, but we are not bird people.
This is the highlight of a trip to the Abilene Zoo- I remember it so clearly from when Marcus and I were dating. You walk up this bridge and can purchase crackers to feed the giraffes.
You are about a foot taller than them and can lean down and hand them crackers.

They will gladly stick out their long tongues and take that cracker. I can't imagine how these giraffes aren't overweight!
We had such a great weekend meeting family members we hadn't seen and spending time at the zoo!

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