
December 07, 2011

Tis The Season, Right?

I find it funny that Joy and Peace are words associated with Christmas. I know they should be, but my next 2 weeks are anything but peaceful. I am beginning to wonder how I would fit in a full time job. I am not complaining, but I am busy this month. Here is a look at my social calendar (see I can't complain, it is all fun stuff!).
Friday - Sunday I am in Lubbock doing contract work. I get to see an old friend, shop in a few of my favorite little stores, and work. Sunday I fly home at 11 AM. I have a party to attend at 4 PM that requires that I bring silent auction items. Of course, I want them to be homemade. So, I have a set of coasters drying and a growth chart in the staining process. Must finish tomorrow. I will leave that party and head to my Fantasy Football party with fresh cornbread and a pound cake. Must make those on Sunday when I get home and before the first party.
Monday morning I have a brunch meeting and am bringing Cinnamon French Toast bake and gifts for those there. Need to get those made tomorrow. Monday evening, dinner with friends from church. The hostess doesn't want me to bring anything, but I feel like I should. I may take her up on her offer!
I am spening all day Tuesday baking goodies for some of Marcus' clients. I volunteered and am thrilled to do it. But, it will take most of the day! I have the boxes, bags and tags all completed. Labels are designed, printed and attached!
Tuesday night I have a party from 5:30 to 7. Hooray for bringing nothing to it! Wednesday is Abby's dance recital (small and informal), but we are having a luncheon afterward. Must bake cookies. Luckily, the gifts for her friends and teachers are done already. Wednesday night, dinner with the other dance Moms. Nothing to bring- thank goodness.

Thursday is Abby's Christmas program at school and party afterward. Bringing food (I will sign up for plates and napkins if I can!) and her friends gifts and teacher gifts are done. My 12 days of Christmas blog series going on right now made me do everything early!

Friday I have lunch with friends and we are doing an ornament exchange. I really need to find some ornaments- maybe this weekend while in Lubbock? Finally, on Saturday, Marcus and I leave for Houston for 2 days to attend a Houston Texans game and spend the weekend together. I'll have to remind him what I look like!

It is all fun stuff, right? It is just a lot of stuff! To help make things better, my Mom is coming in on Tuesday and staying until next week. She is here for Abby's recital and program and to save my sanity. Thank goodness!

Tell me, are your pre-holidays this bad, too?

1 comment:

  1. Yes! The holidays are always SO busy! Hopefully with your mom coming into town, you'll get some relaxation time!
