
December 01, 2011

Tonight a Baby, Tomorrow a Big Girl

This is Abby's last night in her crib/toddler bed. Tomorrow, she will sleep in a twin bed like a real big girl. I have been prepping her for a solid week- she freaks out when I take her sheets off her bed so I am a little concerned. She has also told me every time I've told her she is getting a new bed that she already has a bed.
I am hoping the excitement of her new bedding (which I bought a year ago!) and her new rug, nightstand, and room arrangement will excite her and make her forget about her crib.
I also think having more room should excite her. She sleeps with three animals and three extra blankets. I think she would sleep with 10 if I let her.
Pictures of her new room coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Let her sleep with all of them. Bella's bed is blogworthy b/c of the number of animals she sleeps with. It is over 40 and she notices if I start putting them in the toy box.
