
February 10, 2012


Lots of fun stuff happening right now and my poor blog isn't in on the action. I never thought spending more time with Abby would lead to less blogging, but it does. Here is a glimpse of our week...

  • We tried out The Little Gym this morning and Abby did really well. Her first day was better than her 7th month at dance class. I think I know where this is going...
  • We have soccer pictures on Saturday morning. I can't wait to have a little picture of my blondie in her gold uniform among her little friends. Those are the pictures you laugh at years from now.
  • I bought a canning kit, new mason jars, and a cookbook. And now I am a little scared to actually do it. I think I need to wait for Spring when veggies and fruits are better. I fear I'll work on jelly all day, it will be awful and it will mold quickly. 
  • Abby has 3 birthday parties this month. Oh how I love seeing her with her little friends. She is going to be confused when there is no party to attend.
  • The home invasions in our neighborhood are a little scary. I've learned the risk to us is less than I originally thought; however, it did make us have some serious conversations with Abby about not opening the door. I don't think she can, but I don't want the moment I learn to be the moment she opens the door to a stranger!
  • I made about 20 dozen cookies yesterday for Marcus' clients. I sampled way too many of them. I wish I was an excellent salad maker or vegetable steamer. 
  • My Wednesday night Bible study is wonderful. God really spoke to me this week. I am so glad I signed up and so thankful for Beth Moore.
  • Tonight is Parent's Night Out at church and we are trying a new restaurant. On Tuesday, we are doing a lunch date for Valentine's Day and then exchanging gifts and cupcakes with dinner at home. I think I know my present- it isn't romantic at all, but I am super excited about it. Just wait!
That's all for now. Have a great weekend! 

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