
February 04, 2012


This sweet girl spent her first Free Family Friday at our local YMCA last night. We joined the Y this summer and are still learning about all of the programs. Friday nights are free childcare and provided they have space, a family can drop their kids off from 4-8 one Friday per month. So, we did it last night and she did awesome! Hooray for more date nights!

She went to the Y because I had a surprise baby shower for my friend Natalie to attend. We held it at a local restaurant and tried to keep the decorations minimal. Look at this cute diaper cake my friend Angela made. It had just as many fun goodies on the back side, too!

I used 2 ducks from floral arrangements when Abby was born to decorate the table. I'll save them for future parties- they'd look great with white or blue flowers for a little boy, too.

My camera must have been on a weird setting because these pictures aren't great.... Natalie arriving for dinner with Angela. There were about 20 of us that yelled SURPRISE! She was quite shocked!

 It is hard to keep a secret from someone you see at least once a week. We had been planning the showers for about 2 months. I'm surprised she was surprised- yea for friends that keep good secrets!

Natalie and little Caroline Grace received lots of wonderful things including these fun bows. I love the giraffe and orange. I bought Natalie and homemade blanket with a pretty new Alexander Henry fabric I found in Fredericksburg and a favorite thing of ours from Abby's time as a baby- her stackable snack cups.

This is most of the group- a few had left. Congrats Natalie- we all love you and look forward to welcoming Baby Caroline with love.

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