
February 16, 2012

Wrapped in Valentine Love

For Valentine's Day, we bought Abby a pink tricycle. She is scared to death of the motorized Barbie Jeep, so we thought we should take a step back and try a tricycle. I found this one half-off on Zulily last month!

She refused to sit on it Tuesday morning, but by Tuesday afternoon would ride on it with Marcus pushing her.

By Wednesday afternoon, she could do it! 

She was so proud of herself! I am really looking forward to Spring when we can ride it more! 

Marcus and I also exchanged small gifts. He got me these cute napkins- I'll have to save them for a girls craft night. I love that the crown is upside down! ha!

I also got a butter bell. My friend Andrea told me about it and I love the idea of it. Butter can stay out and stay soft for up to 30 days. I love this for baking, toast, and yummy garlic bread with dinner!

I bought Marcus an R2D2 hat off Etsy. 
We want a Princess Leia for Abby Lu.It is cute with little buns knitted on the sides!

Abby also got a sweet Valentine package from her Mimi and Nana. She loved her cards, stickers, and cookies Mimi- thank you! Nana sent Abby a card with $5. We asked her what she wanted to do with the money and she said she wanted to give it to the man. We died laughing- THE MAN? Do we talk about paying taxes and the man that much? I asked her what the man would give her and then it all made sense- she wants to take it to the mall and ride on the carousel! The man is our friend that sells carousel tickets!

I hope everyone had a lovely day with those they love!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Abby! Her face just shines with joy. And Marc looks thrilled with his new beanie. Tell Abby not to give all her money to "the man". I'm glad you guys had a good valentine's day.
