
March 08, 2012

Baby Caroline

When Abby names her family- she names her parents, grandparents, cousins and the Gumpl family. Mitch and Natalie and their kids are some of our dearest friends. You can imagine how excited Abby has been to meet the newest Gumpl- Caroline Grace. She has talked about this baby girls for weeks always asking if she was here yet. On Tuesday, she was finally here and on Wednesday, Abby got to meet her!

One of the sweet hospital visitors walked us from the entrance to the women's area and Abby told him all about Baby Caroline! He thought Abby was the big sister based upon her excitement. Natalie and I joke Abby and Michael will one day marry, so she could be her sister-in-law :)

Isn't she the cutest little chunker? Those cheeks keep her eyes closed! Abby was really sweet with her- she whispered, held her, and was so soft with her. It made her seem so big and compassionate in an instant. Normally, she seems so little and her compassion for others matches that of a normal 3 year old!

After our trip to the hospital we had lunch at Arby's. I love Arby's but there isn't one near us. It was yummy! Abby asked me to take her picture and named each emotion she wanted me to capture. This was mad, I think. I took about 10 different pictures of her silly faces during lunch.

Since we were in Round Rock, we ran into Gap Outlet. I have had great luck there recently and wanted to find a birthday dinner dress for our upcoming vacation to LA. I think I found a winner! It is cute, comfy and will travel well! While there, Abby tried on a straw hat. I love this kid in hats!

These are the days I love- seeing friends, lunch and shopping with my best little friend, and then while she napped, I did laundry, cooked dinner in the crockpot, and worked with the windows open and a candle burning. It was my kind of a perfect day!


  1. tears in my eyes as I read the post!!!! I love you girls so much!!!! Thank you for making that day so special to remember!
