
March 14, 2012

Landa Park

Abby and I drove to New Braunfels on Monday morning to spend the day with my Mom, sister and Kyleigh and Cohen. We had lunch at Chick-fil-A and then went to their popular local park- Landa.

While the kids were on the playground- I caught up with a high school friend who happened to be at the park with her Mom and kids. Odd to run into someone I haven't seen in 10 plus years in a city neither of us live in! Abby had fun swinging and Cohen learned he isn't a baby anymore ;)

This park was pretty cool- the oldest tree in the area is here. We found a squirrel eating a marshmallow on the big trunk. Can you see him?

There are also paddle boats you can rent. Tiffany took the kids down to the water to see the ducks. I do not like ducks- they can be calm and then go crazy on you the next minute and bite at your feet. Abby learned that lesson- she tried to pet the duck and he bit at her foot!

The kids got hot so it was time to leave the park. But, not before a little tree hugging. We are from Austin, afterall.

Abby loved seeing her family, but might have loved seeing Gracie May the most! She loves that dog and GM is so much more patient with her than our cat. One day Abby!

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