
March 24, 2012

Me and My Best Friends

Abby and Marcus do story time at the local library every Saturday morning. It is their thing and I use the time to work, craft, clean, etc. Abby's friend Eva (pictured below) and Madeline are there most Saturdays, too. It makes for a fun time for Abby and her friends.

Abby and Eva were in day care together as newborns. Another baby with them was Ka'lea. She was in daycare with Abby until last August when I started staying home with her. Ka'lea is Abby's bestest little friend and she has talked about her non-stop for the past few weeks. So, Marcus emailed with Ka'lea's Mom and she joined them at story time on Saturday. Abby was ecstatic!

Ka'lea, Abby and Eva, all about age 3. These girls have birthday from October to December, Abby is the youngest for a month or so.

I just love seeing her with her little friends! We have a Gabba episode about talent and about 6 months ago Abby asked us what her talent was. We told her it was making friends, since she isn't shy with new people and we had been working on sharing, proper introductions, etc. This past week she got in trouble at school for taking toys away from a little friend and for general bad behavior with her. When Marcus told her we would take her talent away, she was super upset. She has talked about keeping her talent and being a good friend all weekend. Let's hope it carries over to school this week!

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