
March 02, 2012

Where has the time gone?

I have no good excuses for the lack of blogging- we have done fun things and I've even taken a few pictures. I'll share those adventures soon! I am at an event this weekend enjoying room service in my quiet hotel room. Here are a few randoms from our past week:

  • I eat like a crazy woman at events. Room service isn't healthy or at least not when I am picking. I need to remember this isn't vacation. I'm just working. You don't need dessert in bed!
  • I traveled with fabric and a glue gun this time. Something new and exciting for my Etsy store. I seriously love these new bracelets and can't wait to make more for me, friends and the shop!
  • My Mom brought Abby to the hotel to say "hi" today. She is a stinker and a charmer and that combination is TROUBLE! 
  • Abby had her last dance class on Wednesday. I will totally miss my dance Mom friends more than Abby will miss dance class. She starts swim lessons this coming Wednesday. Hooray for something new for her to try and hopefully love. Please pray with me that she isn't shy and I don't end up wet in the pool.
  • My wonderful friends Tabriah watched Abby on Wednesday afternoon and she had the most fun. I love having childhood friends nearby. Thank you Tabriah for planning a playdate that included paint, bubbles, and sidewalk chalk!
  • Abby has her last soccer game tomorrow morning. There are trophies. Isn't that the cutest! Too bad I am not there. Boo.
  • I really want a new Jon Hart bag. Kelly green, please. So not in my budget.
  • We are going to LA to visit friends in less than 4 weeks. I really should do some vacation planning! Excited to see our friends, their city, and maybe a few celebrities!
That's all for now.... be back soon! I promise!

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