
April 14, 2012

LA Vacation: Hollywood and The Price Is Right

After our WB tour and lunch at Pink's we toured Hollywood. It is busy and dirty and full of tourists! But, we had to see it. Marcus found his favorite movie stars and for $5 was able to fight them and then hug it out.

I, on the other hand, opted for a whole different kind of movie star. Is that not the best Tom Cruise impersonator? Amazing! He was just standing against the wall saying things like, "I love Katie" when people would walk by. 

We saw the Kodak Theater and the Chinese Theater and the stars on the Walk of Fame.

The famous Hollywood sign was easy to see from one of the Kodak Theater balconies.

On a separate morning, we had The Price is Right tickets. It was a process! You had to arrive at 8:30. We arrived at 7:45 and ended up being #266 and #267 in a line of only 300. The show began filming at 1 PM. There was lots of waiting, standing, paperwork, interviews,etc. We were not chosen, but the guy one seat in front of us was, so we will be on TV on April 26th! Exciting! Two cars were won on our episode!

Up next... the beach, Biggest Loser Ranch and The Bachelor house!

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