
April 06, 2012

Los Angeles Trip- Day One

Marcus and I flew out west to Los Angeles on Thursday, March 29th, my 36th birthday. We had a super early flight, took longer to get ready that we planned, and on the way, realized our flight was 20 minutes earlier than I thought. We ran to the gate with less than a minute to spare. I am not normally that girl!

I was extended a little birthday grace by the crew who had everyone on the plane sign Happy Birthday to me! Our flight out of Phoenix was a mess. The clearance into Burbank was low, so in mid air they discussed us landing in nearby Palm Springs. Luckily, we made it! Here is a picture of the fog.  

It was beautiful when we landed. The Burbank airport is small and easy to get in and out. I highly recommend it over LAX. Our rental car was in an older part of town- notice the bars on the lot!

Our rental car was also older. It was loud and didn't have automatic locks! It was cheap, so we had fun in it!

We immediately picked up Katy and headed to lunch on the Santa Monica pier.Loved lunch with margaritas on the water! Vacation had begun!

It looks cold and foggy, but it was really about 75 out. Perfect!

We hadn't planned much on Thursday, so Katy drove us around to see the area and some famous sights, like Rodeo Drive. We also looked at amazing homes in Beverly Hills and then up Mulholland Drive (where Charlie Sheen wrecked a few cars!). One home was for rent at just $18K per month.

We got back to their apartment to get ready for dinner and Katy and Ike had a surprise waiting for them! We shipped a Rudy's brisket. They miss Texas bar-b-que and we thought it would be fun to stay in one night and watch basketball.

Birthday dinner and more to come...

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