
May 14, 2012

My Mother's Day

We had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend celebration! Since my Mom was in town, we went on a date Saturday night to Takoba. Seriously, their coconut souffle is the best dessert in town! We sat outside on the patio since it was gorgeous out. 

I opened my gift- don't you love it! That is sweet Abby's profile with an A and her birthstone. I love unique pieces of jewelry and anything that features my baby girl!

Sunday morning, we lounged around the house and then met Marcus' Mom for an early lunch at Cheddars. Abby gave me my present first thing Sunday morning. She had been hinting about my gift all week and wouldn't give me a single clue, except when she whispered that I couldn't open my bag until Sunday. Love her!

It was nice having both Moms for lunch and Abby was a mess with show-off-ness :) They got to spoil her and play and I took a nap! I donated my time at an event Thursday - Saturday and I was exhausted and grumpy. Thank God for some rest!

I hope you all had a great day, too! I prayed for the many friends I have still awaiting their special day. I pray your day comes real soon!

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