
May 24, 2012

Right before my Eyes...

Look at this transformation- in one school year! Amazing what a little girl she has become. I am so happy with the sweet little school Abby attended this year. It was just perfect for her and she did well. Her teachers said such wonderful things about her all year long and it makes me proud to see her do well in school.

In their end of year program today, they sand two songs and each child received an award fitting to their personality. Abby received the "teacher in training" award. I had been told before that she likes to make sure everyone is doing what they should, she enforces justice in the room, shows concern when others are not following the rules, and generally takes a leadership role. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

Although it is officially summer, this working from home Mom can't do without solid uninterrupted work time. So, Abby will be attending a new summer MDO and then another preschool in the fall. There are only 2 summer programs near our home and neither was a good long term fit. So, she'll do 3 months at a nearby Baptist church and then this fall attend a more structured program. It is larger, so she will be in the older 3s class this coming school year and then the older 4s the following year. They also offer 5 days a week which we are looking at for the last year before kindergarten. Her current school would have required a repeat of this year or next year and neither seemed right.

So, we are off for a week and then back to school for the summer! Don't tell Abby most kids are off :)

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