
May 19, 2012

San Antonio Getaway

Marcus took off Thursday afternoon and Friday and we enjoyed a little getaway to our favorite San Antonio hotel, Westin La Cantera. We told Abby we were taking her on a vacation and asked her what did she think we do on vacation? Her answer was priceless: "take lots of pictures!"

We decided to go earlier in the summer to avoid the crowds and we lucked out! The hotel was pretty dead! We spent much of our days at Sea World (pictures to come), but enjoyed afternoons at the pool. On Friday afternoon, we paid to have Abby in child care for 2 hours and enjoyed the adult only pool and a nap in the shade!

We had stopped by the kids area on Thursday evening and Abby didn't want to leave. They had videos, computer games, art stations, toys and a big dollhouse. Her time spend in kids care while we were poolside- at the dollhouse! This girl loves playing family. Funny story, the Mom was missing from their toys and the worker tried to make it not a big deal by saying she wasn't home. Abby and I decided she was at Target ;)

Abby has been to this hotel a handful of times, but this was the first time I think she could really enjoy it. She loves making smores each night at the fire pit (like they do on Bubble Guppies) and learned how to do the big kid slide into the pool. I am so proud of her for doing it (it is a little scary, about 20 feet long, 10 feet high and there are turns) and even more proud of her Daddy for letting her. We joked one of his propellers (he has earned the helicopter parent label) was broken. 

She also thoroughly impressed us by remembering to whisper in the halls, being tall enough to push the buttons in the elevator, and sleeping without any problems in a new environment. We are lucky parents!

We are going back in a couple of weeks with Nana and Cohen! Abby can't wait to go back... to the dollhouse!

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