
July 06, 2012

Fireworks Fun!

Wednesday night we met up with our friends, The Smiestrla's, for dinner and fireworks! Abby and Lilia were in dance class together and her mom Liesl and I became friends sitting through dance. Our husbands hadn't met before, so it was a fun new family to hang out with.

Abby and Lilia were so excited to see each other. Abby was convinced she was spending the night and kept discussing sleeping in Lilia's bed. 

After playing in the backyard and a yummy hot dog dinner, the kids got to play with a couple of fireworks in the driveway including poppers, sparklers, and a snake. 

Then, it was time for the big show. Their house backs up to a major park in Cedar Park and that is where the city's show is done. It was perfect! We didn't have crowds, had a private viewing area, and we could see everything big and loud!

We were a little scared of Abby's reaction to fireworks. She is still frightened by loud noises. She hasn't seen  them before this year. Looking at this picture, I think we were wrong. She loved them, giggled at them, and kept saying "oh my chinny chin chin look at that". Funny girl!

We had a wonderful day and an awesome night! Happy 4th to all!

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