
July 30, 2012

Friends and Movies

Summer has been a great time for us to have dates with our sweet little friends!

Last Saturday night we had dinner with Mo, Jessica and Ellie. Abby still calls her "baby Ellie" although she is 2 1/2. The girls had fun running around at the playground at Waterloo after we ate. Abby had a major meltdown because she spilled milk on her "pretty dress". We went to the car to change clothes and she was upset I didn't have another "pretty dress" for her. We may be entering a little fashion interest and girl drama stage. As Abby would say, "oh goody."

On Friday, we had lunch with my friend Laura and her little girl Ella Dane. Abby was such a good "big friend" at lunch. She entertained Ella, brought her toys when she dropped them, and handed her the water cup. She gave lots of hugs and kisses, too!

We also took advantage of the $1 early movies offered during the summer and saw Chimpanzee. It is an HD masterpiece! It is a documentary following a tribe of chimps in the jungle. I would highly recommend it! Abby loved Oscar the new baby boy chimp!

What a fun summer we are having!

1 comment:

  1. Loving the diva coming out in her! :) I can't wait til she's in a bigger size and I can send her JS Girls Clothes.
