
July 02, 2012

Fun with Cousins

We had our cousins Kyleigh and Cohen here for VBS! It was crazy working, having three kids at home, and trying to be at VBS each morning by 9 AM, but we did it and everyone survived!

Since Sunday was Father's Day, we did lunch and yummy frozen yogurt after church. Don't you love Abby's maxi skirt? I loved the Gymboree $13.99 and under sale!

Cohen loved his iPod touch. He won it at school! I think it was for being the top math student in UIL. 

We took them to our favorite lunch spot near church, Newks. They loved sword/breadstick fighting just as much as I thought they would!

We also went swimming one afternoon. The blue slide behind Cohen was closed and it made everyone sad!

We had a super busy month of June and it will surely slow down in a few weeks!

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