
August 28, 2012

Let's go to "Vacation"

In Abby's little world, our favorite San Antonio hotel is called "vacation". She asks to go on vacation at least once a week. We went to Houston earlier this summer and called it a vacation and she was so confused because it wasn't the hotel she loves. Marcus and I said that we need to spend some time in Motel 6 like we did as kids so she knows what a blessing a nice resort is!

The hotel delivered warm chocolate empanadas to our room upon arrival. I had never received these before and oh my heavens, delicious!

We have made the mistake before of filling our trip and not giving ourselves enough hotel time. So, we stayed two nights last week and spend half of each day at Sea World and the other half in the pool.

On the morning of our departure, this little girl was swimming without her inner tube. She was skeptical that she could do it, but with Marcus slowing easing his arm away she did it! Yea for swim lessons teaching her and for Daddy helping her be brave!

They practiced jumping in the water, the excitement of the water slide and Marcus worked out on Saturday morning by throwing 45 pounds in the air over and over!

On Friday morning, we checked Abby into childcare at the hotel since she was begging to play with the doll house. Marcus and I enjoyed an hour reading and relaxing in the hot tub and then had lunch poolside. It was a perfect little alone treat before picking up our happy girl. She played with the doll house for an hour, spent 30 minutes at the resort's bounce house and then had her own lunch.

We plan to go back for her birthday to see Sea World decked out for the holidays and the hotel which creates an ice skating rink and covers the place in poinsettias. 

Lots of fun!

1 comment:

  1. I think a stay at Motel 6 would be a refreshing change from luxury!
