
August 16, 2012

Our Week

Abby and I have had a fun low key week. On Monday, she had her last Little Gym class. She loved her summer teacher, Ms. Christina. She grew so much in her class- follows directions better, braver on the balance beam, and more interactive in general. We are trying out our local YMCA for gymnastics this fall. It costs a lot less!

Since Mimi lives close now, she joined us for class and dinner afterward. Abby was super excited and almost giddy to have a fan club at class!

On Tuesday, we went to Chick-fil-A early one morning. I wanted to start reading my new book and thought Abby would enjoy playing. She can finally open the playground door by herself which is wonderful. She would play, come out for a bite of biscuit, say "thank you" and run back in. She did that at least 10 times! She had the playground to herself which is just how she likes it. QUIET!

My new book is phenomenal and will no doubt change my life. Click here to learn more about Jen Hatmaker's book 7

On Sunday, we pulled Abby from church a little early to see our friend Blythe baptized. It was so wonderful to see a little friend of ours invite Jesus into her heart and to see Abby so excited for her. It opened up great conversations for us with Abby!

After church, we snuck into the playcourt for Abby to see. On September 1 she will promote into the next class at church and she will be able to spend time in the playcourt on Sunday mornings. Knowing our child, we wanted her to see and feel confident in the new space before 15 kids run in it with her. She loved it!

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