
September 29, 2012

Best Buddy's Birthday

Abby Lu's best buddy Michael turned 4 last week and he had a fun birthday party at the local splash pad. Said splash pad was dead at 5 PM on a Thursday in September, so it was all for us!

There were lots of little kids to enjoy the water and sand!

Abby Lu wore her new size 6 swimsuit! I had bought a couple size 6 suits on super clearance since we are going swimming lessons through the winter. I never imagined she would wear a size 6 before her 4th birthday! The size 5 fit her in girth, but not in length. It was cutting into her neck or shoulders.

Can you tell how much she LOVES Michael? She adores him and gets her feelings so hurt when he isn't interested in playing with a girl. I can only imagine this will get worse. We are constantly telling her that there are lots of kids to play with and that Michael's opinion of her is not the most important. Michael's Mom is always telling him to be nice and talk to Abby. We are both embarrassed :)

 Lots of Abby's favorite friends were at the party including Megan! 

Look at this sweet girl who will be 3 soon! She is a treat and I love seeing her in Abby's old swimsuit! We went from a size 2 to a size 6 in the span of 16 months!

Happy Birthday Michael! We love you, sometimes a little too much ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for not posting a pic with Cora in her car calendar pose. ;-)
