
September 04, 2012

Promotion Sunday and AWANA

This past Sunday was promotion Sunday in our church. This means that Abby changed classes- on September 1 each year all of the kids move to a new class that matches their age or grade level in school.

Abby has had the same teachers since she was barely walking. They loved Abby's class that they promoted with them each year. But, this time around, she has a new room and a new teachers and she handled it like a champ! I was so proud of her! Her only real emotion came as a result of a couple of her friends struggling with the change. She was wondering if she should be sad with/for them.

This week is also the start of something new for her at church- AWANA! It is a program built to help young children learn more about God and His Son, Jesus. She will play Bible games, have story time, and start to learn important verses of the Bible. It is on Wednesday nights each week during the school year. I am certain she is going to love it!

We love you Miss Abby Lu!

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