
October 18, 2012

Hawaii: Part Two at the Grand Hyatt

So, on Sunday afternoon we returned our rental car and took the company shuttle to the Grand Hyatt Kaua'i Resort and Spa for Marcus' company's 18th annual President's Club trip. It is top notch- they think of everything, provide everything, and make the trip pretty darn amazing!

Let's start with the hotel- here we are in the open air lobby. Behind us is a cut out to a Starbucks with seating on a balcony overlooking waterfalls that lead to the ocean.

This is Tidepools, the restaurant where we had breakfast each morning. It is set on the water and koi fish all around.

This is the view looking up at the balcony you access from the lobby. The reverse of the first picture above. The black lava rocks set against the greenery is just beautiful. Everywhere you look is a postcard!

There are a number of pools- a sandy salt water pool, traditional swimming pool, activities pool, little hot tubs like the one pictured here, a quiet adult pool and a fun lazy river pool with a water slide.

The resort cares for a number of birds on property who live in the lobby area. I loved the color of this one. There was also a traditional multi-colored parrot. He came with his handler to one of our events. 

 One of the amazing parts of this trip is the gifts- they give you lots of goodies upon arrival and then deliver things to your room each night while you are at dinner. 

We got fedora hats for the concert upon arrival. Marcus looked goofy in his and mine didn't fit. Boo! But, lots of people wore them all week and they looked great! Beyond being a cool hat, the black band was embroidered with the company's President's Club logo. 

The gifts are also presented so nicely and wrapped! We also get letters and a newsletter with the events of the next day each night. The gifts range from company gifts like a clock/pen holder to a set of scotch glasses with Kid Rock's new album logo etched on them and bottle of Kaua'i made rum. It is all well thought out and  fun to receive! Plus, they have a shipping station and pack it and mail it all back for you.

The first night was a reception to welcome everyone with a Hawaiian band, dinner and drinks. Outside our window, you can see them setting up our lunch the following day which was a yummy buffet with burgers, Maui onion rings and ice cream bars.

We spent a lot of time lounging pool side alternating between sun and shade. It was fun to sleep in, have a nice breakfast and be pool side before 9 AM. We often lounged until mid afternoon and would be back in our room by 3 to tell Abby goodnight on Skype and then Marcus would nap and I'd read in the cool dark room.

More on our evenings coming next!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! Marc, you look so much like Kid Rock in your fedora, I am surprised he didn't have you come on stage and do a duet.
